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Christmas doesn’t seem the most joyous day of the year if you’ve empty pockets surely. But remember, it’s all about the event and not money.

You can still make it a magical Christmas even when you are on a tight budget. You shouldn’t stress out much about money while having the best day of the year with loved ones.

Here are our top 10 tips for you to cheer up and stay stress-free.

1.  Make a Christmas Budget First

You surely have made monthly budgets for grocery and other spending needs. Create one for the upcoming Christmas to create a perfect financial plan.

Calculate your Christmas day expenses and categorize them into bundles of food, gifts, travel, and decoration costs.

Then, make a list of your invitees. Make a list of gifts for your loved ones around you.

It’s ok not to think of an expensive gift for everyone at this stage.

Stay organized and within budget by planning ahead this holiday season.

2.  Start Saving Early

Christmas doesn’t fall suddenly, so why not plan ahead of time?

There is still time left to plan for the upcoming Christmas. Start saving now for the budget you made in the first step.

If you can’t save (that’s why you’re on a tight budget), think of a side hustle. Remember, the holiday season is the busiest and businesses are looking for part-timers everywhere.

3.  Buy Gifts Sparingly

If you’re broke during these hard times, you’re not alone. Speaking to your friends and family members about it would do no harm to you.

It’s perfectly all right not to buy everyone a gift this Christmas. Remember, when you’re giving a gift, it becomes an obligation on the recipient to give back.

Instead of borrowing money, refuse gift exchanges this season if you can’t afford them.

4.  Choose Gift Alternatives

Think of gift alternatives to save money. For example, send someone a customized digital greeting card this Christmas. There are tons of online free tools to make one for you.

Then, buy gifts for your kids and parents that suit their needs. Something to read for your parents or wear this winter.

5.  Look for Discounts and Gift Vouchers

Use a mobile app or online tool like Google shopping to exploring discounts on Christmas shopping.

Gift vouchers are also useful when you can make the best use of them and buy something valuable.

Similarly, local and chain stores offer seasonal discounts. However, be a smart shopper and buy things that you need according to your budget.

6.  Earn Cashback on Christmas Purchases

You’ll likely use a credit card for Christmas purchases and travel bookings this season too. The best idea is to use credit cards with cash-back rewards.

Almost every bank offers a credit card with cash back or bonus points. You can redeem these points to lower travel and shopping costs.

Combine the cashback, discounts, and gift vouchers to create an extra cushion for Christmas purchases this season.

7.  Avoid Fancy Decoration this Christmas

Home and garden decorations take up a large chunk of Christmas expenses every year. If you can’t afford a new Christmas tree or lighting, don’t bother to spend borrowed money on them.

Instead, make some decorative stuff yourself. A few paper flowers, a handwritten note, and candles to create a natural outlook of your house.

8.  Enjoy the Occasion Not the Money

Christmas shouldn’t only be about expensive gift exchanges and lavish dinners. It’s more about the occasion than money.

You can restart a few traditional things that are becoming ancient to our children.

  • Play a board game or art competition.
  • Go for a hike.
  • Make a DIY gift for everyone
  • Make a delicious meal
  • Create a floral necklace

The idea is to take time and enjoy yourself with your loved ones rather than stressing out for money on a cheerful event.

The holiday season is about enjoying your time with loved ones, not for financial stress.

9.  Don’t Shy Away from Seeking Help

Economic recessions and inflation events are inevitable. They can hit hard anyone and everyone feels the financial stress. You are not alone in it.

Do not shy away from seeking help from your friends and family. If you’ve recently lost a job due to economic contraction, you’ll soon find another job.

Until then, it’s OK to ask for financial help.

10.  Do Not Borrow Money

Most people go overspend by using credit cards and personal loans during the holiday season and Christmas shopping.

Avoid borrowing money as it will push you into a debt cycle and you’ll end up paying more on interest than you spend.